

Where are you located?

We’re located at 275 Macaulay Rd, North Melbourne, Victoria.
Click this link to open in Google Maps

Do you take bookings?

Yes we do take bookings. Click this link to make a booking.

What’s the easiest way to get there?

When we open, we’ll be easily accessible by car, public transport, or by bike.

TRAIN / BUS: We’re a short 2 minute walk from Macaulay train station on the Upfield line. The 402 Bus to the corner of Boundary / Canning St, North Melbourne is also nearby.

PARKING: Over 250 free parking spaces are available nearby outside Macaulay Station (116 Lanford St, North Melbourne).

Is your venue accessible?


Is your venue kids and pet friendly

EziStreat is a licensed venue. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. Dogs will be allowed in our beer garden.

I have dietary requirements. What can I eat?

Our kitchen partners cater to all needs – Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-free, Halal and more. Please contact each kitchen partner directly for details. Menu coming soon!